The Art of Execution

Why some leaders can make more happen, keep followers on task and get more out of those around them.

This training shares strategies and resources taught to thousands of leaders, managers and supervisors to help them make decisions more quickly and hold employees accountable for results. These techniques are quick, effective and easy to use. Participants have the opportunity to practice applying these new tools. Sample sets of the resources are presented and distributed.

Participants learn:

  • Research regarding the art of influence and communication
  • Understanding of organizational priorities
  • Methods to improve communication
  • A differentiated leadership model
  • How to personally apply the new leadership model
  • Best practices of effective meetings and decision-making
  • Best practices of more effective delegation and accountability
  • How to use project management and accountability strategies

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Recent session participants had this to say:

“Sensible, useable tools that are understandable and easy to use.”

“I really appreciated the real world stories to connect.”