Keeping Everybody On Track & On Schedule

The My Job, Your Job Exercise

Progress on Goals and Accountability Made Way Easier

The My Job, Your Job Exercise© is a goal and accountability system that increases participants’ ability to achieve objectives and produce results. A need to clarify roles to initiate action and get better results prompted The Big River Group to develop the My Job, Your Job Exercise©. It now has been taught across the United States and Canada to thousands of leaders and to organizations with annual gross revenues between $1 million and $250 million.

The My Job, Your Job Exercise includes three distinct segments that can be completed in less than two hours:

  • Development of consensus, including current trends, successes and issues
  • Development of specific roles and responsibilities for goals
  • Identification of deliverables and delivery dates

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Recent session participants had this to say:

“Great ideas put forth that we are able to use to move forward now.”
“Good information and tools for planning, appreciated answers to questions.”