The purpose of a stay interview is to identify the reasons why top performers choose to remain in the organization, identify what can be done to keep them engaged, and to recognize potential determinants of what might cause them to leave. This allows managers to pinpoint what’s working, what’s not working, and what can be.. read more →

In recent years, the impact stress has on employees and those in leadership roles has gained exponential attention by researchers and practitioners. The symptoms of long-term exposure to stress are not always obvious. Headaches, insomnia, muscle aches, restlessness, and depression are just a few of the side effects of stress. The long-term health effects of.. read more →

In today’s workforce, leaders are required to oversee a broader range of generations than ever before. With different generations come different preferences in work styles, coaching styles, knowledge of technology, learning methods, and the types of skills employee’s possess. One of the greatest challenges for leaders is understanding the upcoming generation, the millennials. This generation.. read more →

It is inevitable that most of us enter the work week with an endless “to-do” list and unavoidable obligations. As if figuring out where to start is not challenging enough within itself, ensuring that you are approaching these tasks in the most productive way possible is something many struggle with. Chris O’Neill, CEO of Evernote,.. read more →

You find yourself managing a team of people who work from multiple remote locations. How do you do you supervise and lead these employees to meet your organization’s goals? These key tips will give you some tools to keep your virtual team motivated, feel like they are part of a team and focused on success!.. read more →